Combined stairs and slide

I demand to have this in my future house!
Candyskull face
Yesterday my friend Andrea was here, and we had three photosessions :D
A little sneakpeak here.

I took this picture before we started.
It was so much fun! I hope the pictures turned out great.

I dont remember where I found this picture. But I would so much wanna do a photosession with makeuo like this! Sadly, I dont think I would be any good at applying it on my face O.o
Happy surprise!
Last weekend when we were at my boyfriend's parents, his sister had gone through his clothes and picked out things she wants to give away. So then I look through if I wanted anything. And I did!
This dress had come home with me. Must sew straps on it because I have small breasts for it as usual xD
and those shoes! Sooo happy I was when I found them in the bag. I've been looking for things like this a long time. I think it was super nice of her to let me look through the bag: D So lot of thanks to Tina.
Last weekend when we were at my boyfriend's parents, his sister Tina had gone through her clothes and picked out things she doesnt use anymore and wants to give away. So she wanted me to look through if I wanted anything. And I did! :D

This dress just had to come home with me. Must sew on straps on it because I have too small bust for it as usual xD

And these shoes! Sooo happy when I found them in the bag. I've been looking for similar shoes a very long time. I think it was super nice of her to let me look through the bag: D So lot of thanks to Tina. <3
Is a cat today
Happy midsummer everyone :D

I finished my cat-ears clips today, so I'm so gonna wear them all day.

I finished my cat-ears clips today, so I'm so gonna wear them all day.
Having a good time
I bet you alla are very curios about whats been killing my social interaction on the internet the past week. ;D

So I say no more than this:

Dry skin
Then I stopped being a teenager and the massive batch pimples disappeared, I have hard enough suffered from very dry skin. Såeciellt the eyebrows. I have not bothered me so much and I am extremely lazy in taking care of my skin, but recently has been a very ovacker red dry spot spread bredvin my nose so my sister told me about peeling and a good skin cream she uses.
So now I'm going to try this once a day for a while.
Tip mottage know if anyone has any more tricks: D
I fjälalr so much that I Kaner me like a snake sometimes
Since I stopped being a teenager and the massive batch of pimples disappeared, I have suffered from very dry skin. Expecially around the eyebrows. It have not bothered me so much and I am extremely lazy in taking care of my skin, but recently there have been a very unpretty large red dry spot spread beside my nose so my sister told me about peeling and a good skin cream she uses.

You see it? I'ts huge.
So now I'm going to try this combo once a day for a while:

Any other tricks if anyone has any would be useful ^^ Maybe a good cream to put on before sleeping?
There is so much skin falling of my face that I feel like a snake sometimes.
Photosession: Giselle from Enchanted
Last week my sister stayed here from thursday to sunday, which gave us time to finally have the Giselle-photosession we have been planning for soooo long. :D I made the dress for 1,5 years ago!
The dress is made by me, and all photos are photographed and edited by my sister, here you can visit her blog:

My boyfriend was laughing so much when he saw me xD He said that he do not want me to start dress like that on daily basis ;D
New curtains
Today I got new curtains :D I bought them on facebook xD so useful place sometimes.
This is what our bedroom looked like before the new curtains:

Red curtains which have been hanging there seince we moved here in august 2010. They are very see through..thats have been bothering me so much in the mornings with the sun so thats why I went black curtain hunting!

Tadaaaa, blaaaaack :D You will have to excuse the bad pictures..I have no photoshop right now because I need to install it on my new cumputer.

Pattern :D I love them, I hope they will help me sleep longer in mornings.
Gothic masks
I found such perfect masks for one of my larpcharachters! :O
I'm gonna mail the seller and ask him for price and if he sells over internet. I know he mostly sells them on certain events so..

I dont know which one I like better!
His website:
Lazy outfit
Today I went against one of my own clothingrules what to NEVER wear. Wearing short tunic with tights! :O
I wanted so much to wear this dress today, and when the idea of having tights to it hit me I thought as I pulled them on, shame on myself! xD

But oh how comfortable this outfit are: D, and since they are so "broken" .. they might be only 70% tights, haha. Anyway, I will just be staying at home today to celebrate my boyfriend with his family, so .. my outfit is black and very comfortable, I'm happy.

I also got a kiss from Luna <3
Probably the best man in the world!

Today we celebrate the world's greatest fiance on his 24-th birthday :D
I seriously have the most wonderful boyfriend, everyday he makes me feel like the prettiest girl in the world.
Every year I think about how happy I am to get to be with him and celebrate his birthday, because it means I'm getting older together with him, which makes me very very happy. ^__^
Congratulations to you my darling! <3
Todays outfit

Fake corsets <3

Now I'm off to my summerjob to learn about their company and stuff before I start next week ^-^
I workout! :'D
In five weeks now I have been working out 3-4 days a week. I do yoga, pilates and cardio. Once a week I run in the woods, a distance of 2 km. And it's so fun that it is moving forward with my speed and stamina. :D 3 times, I have had a timer on my 2 km round and the result is this
Some people would certainly say whuuuut I run 2 km in like 5 minutes xD but for me who never really have beeen working out seriously in my entire life, this is very good, haha!
And no, I do not do this to lose any weight. I still eat normally and are certainly not unhappy with my body, I just want to life a longer life by having a healthy and strong body. Slim is, unfortunately, not automatically associated with healthy :P

Some people would certainly say whuuuut I run 2 km in like 5 minutes xD but for me who never really have beeen working out seriously in my entire life, this is very good, haha!
And no, I do not do this to lose any weight. I still eat normally and are certainly not unhappy with my body, I just want to life a longer life by having a healthy and strong body. Slim is, unfortunately, not automatically associated with healthy :P
The Cure - The only one
I love love love this song! ^^
The Goth Challenge: Day twentynine
Day 29 – What do you think will happen to Goth in the future?
I think it probably will change in appearance as it also has been doing through all the years. :) I think it's exciting, what will goth be when I'm 50!? :D I dont think the Goth subculture will never ever die at least.

I think it probably will change in appearance as it also has been doing through all the years. :) I think it's exciting, what will goth be when I'm 50!? :D I dont think the Goth subculture will never ever die at least.

Gothic dresses
Halloween themed stuff
Oh today I found a truly awesome onlineshop called trendytree :D
This is the stuff I found there that is now on my wishlist:

Lovely fakebooks :D
and this supercute owl!

He must live in my house!
This is the stuff I found there that is now on my wishlist:

Lovely fakebooks :D
and this supercute owl!

He must live in my house!
Red & Black Week, Day 6
Is this the last red and black day?
Here is todays outfit anyway. Now I'm off to my sister graduation!

:) Have a nice day everyone!

Here is todays outfit anyway. Now I'm off to my sister graduation!

:) Have a nice day everyone!

Red & Black Week, Day 5 (PYJAMAAAAS)
I had a little blackout about what to post for the red and black theme today, since I'm going to be home all day, making my sisters graduation cake. :'D
Then I realized, my pyjamas is red and black, wohoo! So here is todays post. And Pingu is also red and black of course. ;D

Over and out.
Then I realized, my pyjamas is red and black, wohoo! So here is todays post. And Pingu is also red and black of course. ;D

Over and out.
Red & Black Week, Day 4 (Chibis outfit)
Today my bjd Chibi will stand for the red and black in her brand new outfit made by a good friend of mine :D

I love my little vampire <3
Join the red and black week at:

I love my little vampire <3
Join the red and black week at:
Red & Black Week, Day 3 (Lacetop makeover)
Today I have something really nice for the black and red theme :D
Last year I bought this top:

My plan was to use it as pyjamas but it was see through, and I don't felt comfortable in that so yesterday I decided to do a makeover with it! :D
The result:

Tadaaa, a black and red top. So what I did was I put a black fabric between the boobs so I dont feel so naked wearing this outside. And a black fabric under the red lacefabric, so no see-through here yay. :D I also made it shorter and bodyshaped.

I'm very happy with the result.
So this is todays red and black week post.
Join the red and black week at:
Last year I bought this top:

My plan was to use it as pyjamas but it was see through, and I don't felt comfortable in that so yesterday I decided to do a makeover with it! :D
The result:

Tadaaa, a black and red top. So what I did was I put a black fabric between the boobs so I dont feel so naked wearing this outside. And a black fabric under the red lacefabric, so no see-through here yay. :D I also made it shorter and bodyshaped.

I'm very happy with the result.
So this is todays red and black week post.
Join the red and black week at:
The Goth Challenge: Day twentyeight
Day 28 – Do you consider yourself an eldergoth?
No not yet :P I might be 23, but I feel like 18 still, and people think I'm 16 sometimes when they meet me for the first time so xD

Me being all classy and stuff.
No not yet :P I might be 23, but I feel like 18 still, and people think I'm 16 sometimes when they meet me for the first time so xD

Me being all classy and stuff.
Photosession: Gothic fairytale part 2
Since I dont have anything else to blog about today, here are two more pictures from the photosession last week. ^^

I love her editing on this, it really looks like its night :D <3
The rest of the pictures can be seen here: LINK

I love her editing on this, it really looks like its night :D <3
The rest of the pictures can be seen here: LINK
Red & Black Week, Day 2
Todays red and black :D

One of my favourite skirts! (is it only me or do I say that about every piece of clothing I wear? xD)

And also put red extensions in the hair :D
Join the red and black week at:

One of my favourite skirts! (is it only me or do I say that about every piece of clothing I wear? xD)

And also put red extensions in the hair :D
Join the red and black week at:

The Goth Challenge: Day twentyseven
Day 27 – The worst thing you ever did to a newbie.
I never met a newbie what I know :O
So the worst thing maybe would be when I told my sister converse are very uncomfortable because I didnt want her to have the same shoes as me ;D but I dont see converse as goth-shoes anyway so. xD

Since I dont have a picture of converse I give you Luna with a piece of chicken!
I never met a newbie what I know :O
So the worst thing maybe would be when I told my sister converse are very uncomfortable because I didnt want her to have the same shoes as me ;D but I dont see converse as goth-shoes anyway so. xD

Since I dont have a picture of converse I give you Luna with a piece of chicken!
Cute commercial
This commercial is so cute ^^
Red & Black Week, Day 1

This picture isn't from today, I just wanna use it to show my favourite stockings :D
They are the best, because they are 3 years old but hasnt fallen apart yet, I think they might have one hole somewhere. And since they are black and red this will be my first post in Sophistique Noirs Red and Black week :D

OMG! <3

This is awesome! I want it!
The Goth Challenge: Day twentysix
Day 26 – Show a photo for every year (or month if you're new) that you've being into Goth.





2009, I was not dressing as a goth at all most of this year i must admit!



2012 :)






2009, I was not dressing as a goth at all most of this year i must admit!



2012 :)

Restyle clothing
Skeleton doll
One thing I sometimes like to do, is paint dolls :S So when Monster High dolls came I was thrilled, they are so pretty!
So this is a Cleo doll I repainted this week!

So this is a Cleo doll I repainted this week!

The Goth Challenge: Day twentyfive
Day 25 – Did you ever consider leaving the subculture?
Yes, and I have a few times. I have tried focus on other clothingstyles like lolita, cyber and other but I always feel something is missing and I dont feel comfortable in other colours than black.
Last summer was a low point for me.. I forgot who I was and started to wear what I think i should call "ordinary clothing" I actually hated. When I realized that I sold all stupid colourful clothes and started to build up my gothic closet again. ^^

Last summer >.<

This year: The real me :D
Yes, and I have a few times. I have tried focus on other clothingstyles like lolita, cyber and other but I always feel something is missing and I dont feel comfortable in other colours than black.
Last summer was a low point for me.. I forgot who I was and started to wear what I think i should call "ordinary clothing" I actually hated. When I realized that I sold all stupid colourful clothes and started to build up my gothic closet again. ^^

Last summer >.<

This year: The real me :D