Christmas list
Yesterday I spent a shameful amount of time making a wishlist on ebay xD
I think it's a good idea though, because now I can just give this list to family if they are wondering about my christmas wishes.

This is a few of the things on my "little" list. And here is the entire one.
Do you use the public wishlist on ebay?
Dress like me
Today I created an account on polyvore! I've heard that it's a good place for making collages.
So my first one I made with inspiration from my own style. I wanted to use clothing I own myself, but since I buy the most stuffs second hand I just had to go with similar items. It was fuuuun :D
Gothic collage

I found this superpretty dress on mylovebasket and wanted to make a collage around it :D
I always see this beautiful gothic collages on tumblr and I wanted to do something like it. Maybe you have seen them. The website also happend to be the right place to found other accessories to the dress also. There are millions of accessories there! :O
Seriously, I died when I saw the price on the dress though, I could never afford it.
I totally fell in love with that cute umbrella also.
Hope you liked my collage!
Here are links to the other items:

Snygg outfit hell yeah!