Christmas list
Yesterday I spent a shameful amount of time making a wishlist on ebay xD
I think it's a good idea though, because now I can just give this list to family if they are wondering about my christmas wishes.

This is a few of the things on my "little" list. And here is the entire one.
Do you use the public wishlist on ebay?
I have been looking for gothic oven mitts FOREVER!
When i get a job I'm so ordering these.
A different Mona-Lisa
Bat-shaped clothespins

What a cute idea :D
Bat blingblingmobile
Coca-cola furniture
If there is two things I love, which is hard to combine it's coca-cola stuffs and gothic stuff xD

This would look so wrong in my home xD But still, it's so awesome!

I found this picture on my old harddrive.
I wonder where it is from. In my future house, I want outlets looking like that! ^^
Combined stairs and slide

I demand to have this in my future house!
Halloween themed stuff
Oh today I found a truly awesome onlineshop called trendytree :D
This is the stuff I found there that is now on my wishlist:

Lovely fakebooks :D
and this supercute owl!

He must live in my house!
This is the stuff I found there that is now on my wishlist:

Lovely fakebooks :D
and this supercute owl!

He must live in my house!
Morbid decoration - Bat in cage
Future IKEA-shopping
My boyfriend and I have planned to buy a new couch if I get a job in the fall. We have been longing for this couch for ages so it will probably be that, we are hoping to find it on second hand for cheaper price, hehe ..

We also want this cabinet to put our swords in! They deserve to be more visible than they are now. :<

We also want this cabinet to put our swords in! They deserve to be more visible than they are now. :<

Bedroom dreams
I so want our bedroom to look like this!


Gothic awesome bed!

Give meee!
Men hallå! Hade jag vetat att det faktiskt skulle dyka upp nåt när jag sökte på windchime bat på ebay hade jag inte letat! :( Nu vill jag ju ha detta!

Gothic walk in closet?

Skulle inte säga nej
till den här lampan!

Flamingo skelett

Matta och duschdraperi som ska införskaffas inom en mycket snar framtid till vårt badrum tycker jag :D
Bat fan
Den här soffan/sängen är så brutalt awesome att jag får hjärtklappning bara av att titta på den. Snälla ge mig!!!!

Jag har velat ha en sån sedan jag var 15, jag funderade till och med på att bygga en själv en gång, hah!
Vet tyvärr inte var denna säljs längre..fanns på etsy förut.

Jag har velat ha en sån sedan jag var 15, jag funderade till och med på att bygga en själv en gång, hah!
Vet tyvärr inte var denna säljs längre..fanns på etsy förut.