Eyebrow update
Update on my eyebrow-project :'D

Not much have been growing in 10 days. Stay tuned, maybe something will have happened in another 10 days. ;)
Eyebrow project!
If there is something I'm very tired of it is that I have to draw half of my eyebrows on my face everyday!I want the whole eyebrow in an entire shape.
Unfortunately, I was stupid and pulled away each hair separetly instead of shaving in my youth, and since then, they have not grown as they should. :(
So yesterday I simply shaved off most of them and will now try to grow them out in a new shape.
Got a tip from a friend to apply castoroil every day, it will apparently help them grow.
So this is the beautiful before picture xD

In a few weeks we will see the result.
Here below, marked in red is the problem area, where my eyebrows have not grown in years.

Wish me luck! ;D
New colour!
From green to pink/purple whatever :'D I had som directions haircolour left from when my whole head was that colour 2 years ago, its the Rose Red.

Haircolours baah!
For several months I have been trying to dye 1/3 of my hair blue. I have tried different directions haircolours, leaving no good result, my hair was just brown with blue strikes at the tops. So today I simply gave up and coloured my hair with the Alpine green I had left from last year when my whole head was green. And oh so pretty :D Totally green, it so weird, directions seems to stick in my hair differently depending on which colour it is.

Ah well, I love this green colour, so I think it will have to stay. Who needs blue hair ;D
Dry skin
Then I stopped being a teenager and the massive batch pimples disappeared, I have hard enough suffered from very dry skin. Såeciellt the eyebrows. I have not bothered me so much and I am extremely lazy in taking care of my skin, but recently has been a very ovacker red dry spot spread bredvin my nose so my sister told me about peeling and a good skin cream she uses.
So now I'm going to try this once a day for a while.
Tip mottage know if anyone has any more tricks: D
I fjälalr so much that I Kaner me like a snake sometimes
Since I stopped being a teenager and the massive batch of pimples disappeared, I have suffered from very dry skin. Expecially around the eyebrows. It have not bothered me so much and I am extremely lazy in taking care of my skin, but recently there have been a very unpretty large red dry spot spread beside my nose so my sister told me about peeling and a good skin cream she uses.

You see it? I'ts huge.
So now I'm going to try this combo once a day for a while:

Any other tricks if anyone has any would be useful ^^ Maybe a good cream to put on before sleeping?
There is so much skin falling of my face that I feel like a snake sometimes.
I workout! :'D
In five weeks now I have been working out 3-4 days a week. I do yoga, pilates and cardio. Once a week I run in the woods, a distance of 2 km. And it's so fun that it is moving forward with my speed and stamina. :D 3 times, I have had a timer on my 2 km round and the result is this
Some people would certainly say whuuuut I run 2 km in like 5 minutes xD but for me who never really have beeen working out seriously in my entire life, this is very good, haha!
And no, I do not do this to lose any weight. I still eat normally and are certainly not unhappy with my body, I just want to life a longer life by having a healthy and strong body. Slim is, unfortunately, not automatically associated with healthy :P

Some people would certainly say whuuuut I run 2 km in like 5 minutes xD but for me who never really have beeen working out seriously in my entire life, this is very good, haha!
And no, I do not do this to lose any weight. I still eat normally and are certainly not unhappy with my body, I just want to life a longer life by having a healthy and strong body. Slim is, unfortunately, not automatically associated with healthy :P
As requested

Såhär blev den blå färgen! :D Det är fortfarande svarta strimmor där det ska vara blått eftersom blonderingen inte tog bort allt, men det är bara att vänta ut det.
Here is the blue color! : D It's still black streaks where it should be blue because
the decolorizecream didn´t remove everything, but it is just to wait it out.

Färgar halva huvet blått för att se hur det blir :D är lite sugen på att färga hela håret i atlantic blue så om det blir bra kanske jag gör det nästa månad.