Iron Fist Wolf bag

I'm the sort of person who uses one bag at a time. Now my current bag is starting to loose colour and I'm kind of tired of it because it has no pocket! So this one will be my next bag as soon as I can afford it. It's so perfect!
Christmas list
Yesterday I spent a shameful amount of time making a wishlist on ebay xD
I think it's a good idea though, because now I can just give this list to family if they are wondering about my christmas wishes.

This is a few of the things on my "little" list. And here is the entire one.
Do you use the public wishlist on ebay?
Cat shoes!
Zombie pony dress
Another wishlist
Some clothing added to my wishlist. :'D
Could any fabric be more awesome than this? Probably not.
Dolce and Gabbana dress

I do not know much about fashion, but this dress by Dolce and Gabbana that I stumbled across .. it is absolutely stunning! It was apparently on some fashion show recently and is called the cherub dress.
I hope for a dress inspired by it in some store in the future, and then hopefully with lots of puffiness as the original!

For those who doesn't know this, League of Legends is one of my favourite games, I play it a lot :D
My favourite charachters are Teemo, Ryze, Miss Fortune and Amumu! <3 And I found these supercute shirts with Amumu on.
Skeleton dress

I want this dress :-D
Can be bought here:
Cute bat bag
Pumpkin Playsuit
Jeffrey Campbell HOMG Skeleton
I have never liked ponchos before, but the last month I have been wanting one xD
They look so comfy and waaaaarm!
Disney stooooore
Bat bag
And now how cute isn't this bag? :D

But 90 euro..that is one expensive bag!
Wanna grab a bite?
Pretty leggings