I wanted to take a beautiful autumn picture, with me throwing pretty leafes in the air :'D
So my fiancé and I tried..a lot. An old man walked by and told my boyfriend to be happy with the pictures he got and let me go inside. Sort of funny because I'm the one who is nagging him to take pictures of me. xD
Yesterday we practised the first karatekata, and when I came home I wanted to have it on film so I can watch it and remember the moves and practise more at home. I just wanted to upload it here on my blog for future laughs. xD
I know, I dont do correct moves yet and I have to think very much about what I do so I'm very slow, but that day WILL come :'D
So I finally have a job interview! Next week on Thursday.
And I'm so nervous because I really want that job. I have prepared some questions with what to answer so I'm very prepared for the most common questions.
I think mostly it's so hard with how to look on the interview. I dont wanna look "to much", but I also want to be myself. I don't wear makeup so very often, and I told my sister that I am afraid they will think I look sort of scruffy if I get there without makeup. But she didn't think that :D And if I do get the job, I will indeed often get there without makeup so.. I guess it's good they know xD
How do you think with clothing overall when you go to an interview?
I was on a Tuesday for the first time, then it felt really hard and I was not sure if I was too woozy to the sport. But yesterday on my second practise it was crazy fun, the group is very nice, the teachers helpful and I get the feeling that karate is something I can be really good at!
Feels so very good because I now find myself in a sort of life-crisis because of unemployment and I often get the feeling that I'm not particularly good at anything.
And the best part is that my darling joined the karate-club with me, it makes it even more fun! :D
Since my lovely fiancé has been my someone special for 8 years in december, I wanted to do a memory post with pictures from the beginning of our love. <3
Our first picture together, new years eve 2004. :D And my sister, crazy as always.
Summer 2006 I belivie.
Somewhere in 2006 I would guess, I'm getting old can't remember when pictures are taken. xD
One of our all time favourites!
Graduating in 2007!
A photoshoot we had with a friend in december 2008, it was great pictures all of them!
Summer 2009
Well one can´t always look pretty ;)
Summer 2010
Matching outfits for a christmasparty in 2010 xD
This picture was taken for amagzine actually where we was in an article, giving tips on how to have successfull relationship that lasts :'D Summer 2011
Larp, last year ^^
And here we are ^^
Very happy, and getting married next year! I'm so looking forward to being Mrs, Wangenfors ;D
I came home from work around 10 hours ago, and now up and leave for work again. :'D
Tomorrow I'm working my last day on my summerjob though. Feels kind of sad since I dont know if I anytime soon will find a new job..certainly not a job where I get to make pastries and cakes.
Ah well. Looking forward to a larp next week so I will focus on great stuff like that instead! :D
Lunatotallyloveswhen I'm sick, I thinkxDI feel noimprovementsincethe day before yesterdayinmyongoingcold,cough, associatedwithfever. :(
I donot even have avoice yet,and for mewho really loves to talk, it is extremelybooooring . Ido not think itmakesthings betterthat I'msuperstressed aboutgetting well,since next weekis my lastworkweek beforeI'm unemployed..
Oh well,to see iton the bright side.YesterdayI "had the time" towatchan entire season ofUglyBetty.:'D
Today we celebratethe world's greatestfianceon his 24-th birthday :D Iseriouslyhavethe most wonderfulboyfriend, everyday hemakes me feel likethe prettiest girl in the world. Every yearI think about how happy I am to get tobe with himand celebrate his birthday, because itmeans I'mgetting oldertogether with him, which makesme very very happy.^__^
I had a little blackout about what to post for the red and black theme today, since I'm going to be home all day, making my sisters graduation cake. :'D Then I realized, my pyjamas is red and black, wohoo! So here is todays post. And Pingu is also red and black of course. ;D
Sooo... YesterdayI plantedblackvioletsinmycross-shapedpot :DI hope they willgrow, but thinking ofmyprevious attempts toget something togrow in my garden it will probablynot happen xDbut we'll see.To be continued,dundun..
Since I the last months have received some lovely new gothic readers, who isn't from sweden I have decided to start blogging here in english instead :D Good practise for me and easier for you who cant understand swedish. ^^ Yay!