Obituary Challenge
The Obituary Challenge! Thanks Shannon for tagging me!
The Rules:
Link back to whoever tagged you.
Put these rules in your tag
Write an obituary about yourself (it can be as funny or as serious as you like)
Write a paragraph or two (or more if necessary) in length.
You may tag up to 10 people, and be sure to link them.
Have fun, because creative writing is one of the greatest joys in life!
My Obituary:
Sabina, age 90, died last week due by old age. She was calmy laying on her bed when found, holding her husbands hand, and it seems like he passed away at the exakt same moment she did.
She was born September 5, 1988, and lived a peaceful life, together with her husband and all their cats and dogs. Sabina was known for her cat-shelter that she started in her late 20-s that was going very well through all the years, and also for the books she had released. She will be missed by all family and friends, expecially by her two children Esmeralda and Emanuel.
This is actually what I wish my obituary will look like xD
I tag:
And link me back if you accept the challenge so I can read.
I expect you all to look like this now!
Liebster award

Challenge accepted (30 Day Clothing Challenge)
- Your closet.
- Your favourite shirt.
- A piece of clothing or jewelry that was a gift
- A shirt that you haven’t worn yet.
- Your favourite pair of jeans.
- A pair of pants that aren’t jeans.
- A cute outfit of yours.
- Your most expensive article of clothing.
- A cute dress/ skirt.
- An outfit you wore on a special day.
- A piece of jewelry that a Grandparent gave you.
- A piece of jewelry that everyone complements you on.
- An outfit you wish you had.
- Cute socks.
- Your newest purchase.
- You and someone wearing matching clothes.
- An article of clothing that you made or altered.
- A piece of jewelry that you made.
- Your favourite earrings, rings, necklaces and/or bracelets.
- Your jewelry box.
- Something that you only wear around the house.
- Something you only wear in the summer.
- An article of clothing/ accessory that you consider lucky.
- Your favourite pair of shoes.
- Shoes you love but hardly wear.
- A mismatched outfit that you’d never wear (go wild: earrings, belts, crazy skirts etc).
- A hat.
- An outfit you are ashamed to say you wore.
- Something that is your favourite brand.
- Something from your favourite store.
Since the goth challenge is over I felt the need to start this challenge, found here, I feel it suits my blog well doing this. ^^
The Goth Challenge: Day thirty
Day 30 – Make a list of blogs you regularly read and link to them.
The Goth Challenge: Day twentynine
I think it probably will change in appearance as it also has been doing through all the years. :) I think it's exciting, what will goth be when I'm 50!? :D I dont think the Goth subculture will never ever die at least.

The Goth Challenge: Day twentyeight
No not yet :P I might be 23, but I feel like 18 still, and people think I'm 16 sometimes when they meet me for the first time so xD

Me being all classy and stuff.
The Goth Challenge: Day twentyseven
I never met a newbie what I know :O
So the worst thing maybe would be when I told my sister converse are very uncomfortable because I didnt want her to have the same shoes as me ;D but I dont see converse as goth-shoes anyway so. xD

Since I dont have a picture of converse I give you Luna with a piece of chicken!
The Goth Challenge: Day twentysix





2009, I was not dressing as a goth at all most of this year i must admit!



2012 :)

The Goth Challenge: Day twentyfive
Yes, and I have a few times. I have tried focus on other clothingstyles like lolita, cyber and other but I always feel something is missing and I dont feel comfortable in other colours than black.
Last summer was a low point for me.. I forgot who I was and started to wear what I think i should call "ordinary clothing" I actually hated. When I realized that I sold all stupid colourful clothes and started to build up my gothic closet again. ^^

Last summer >.<

This year: The real me :D
The Goth Challenge: Day twentyfour
All gothic tumblrs :D
Here are my favourites
and also the Ladies in black group on facebook, I love it so so much! ^^

The Goth Challenge: Day twentythree
Victoria Frances, I wrote about her here last year. ^^

The Goth Challenge: Day twentytwo
The Goth Challenge: Day twentyone
I actually had a piercing from 2007 to 2009 in my left eyebrown before. But it grew out :(
Now I dont want piercings since I work in bakery. But I have many many tattoos planned. :D

Random picture with the piercing :P
The Goth Challenge: Day twenty
I already had all the colours I wanted, but something I lately felt cravings for is keeping one side of the head black and dye the other half blue. :D But I'm still happy with my black hair so maybe I do this after our wedding instead. Next time I dye my hair I will try this though, it would be fun to have some blue shades in the black.

Green hair back at 2011 ^^

Pink/Red hair 2010
The Goth Challenge: Day nineteen
Answering this question feels like shouting: IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT! xD
I wouldnt say I'm the right person to give someone else a beauty advise (even though I sometimes do it in my head) ;D I dont see myself as a "beauty" and I'm actually more thrilled when someones tells me: Your so weird! Than if they tell me; You're so beautiful. Soooo I'm just giving you a picture of my face and telling you the ordinary beauty advice which I absolutely don´t follow myself: Drink lots of water every day ;D

So this is what I look like every day more or less!
The Goth Challenge: Day eighteen
2,5 years ago I tried wooldreads for the first and last time. I always wear synthetic but this time I wanted to try something new. Oh the itching >.< I didn't wear them for long.. 3 days I think, maybe I'm allergic to wool I don't know.

The Goth Challenge: Day seventeen
Hmm, since I mostly buy second hand..and I don´t care about brands, if something is black and pretty I want it, I dont think I have a favourite! xD

But if you have a favourite brand, do tell me so I can check it out :D
The Goth Challenge: Day sixteen
Hmm.. I think I dress casual a lot. (Black pants, black top) Because it's easy to change into working outfit then.
But if I would choose a period of my life I was MOST casual it was when I had really short hair a few years ago.

It's so weird, when my hair is that short I dont feel comfortable in dresses...

The Goth Challenge: Day fifteen
I think this requires two pictures :D
My favourite:

The pretty pretty skirt I wanted for so long. At least right now it's my favourite :D
My most expensive:

Nursedress, yeeeah! Picture is about 4 years old and that would also be the last time I had it on xD Not a popular dress!
The Goth Challenge: Day fourteen
Gosh, that is truly a hard question. The worst would probably be those times I had some pretty clothing I wanted to change something on and ended up ruin the whole thing :'D But mostly when I start with a project I do succeed! And also, how can you have a GOOD disaster? xD really weird question.