I was home from work yesterday, awaiting my voice to come back, so I spent the whole day sewing clothes to my bjd-s. :D
So here is everything I made for them.

A white dress for my little Effie

Peach got a sort of pyjamas? :'D

Chibi in a very short red dress. Usually I make black clothes for her, but red is a great colour for her as well.

And Embla got an owldress, I love it!
So now all my dolls should be happy for a while ;)

She is so pretty my little Chibi ^__^
Red & Black Week, Day 4 (Chibis outfit)
Today my bjd Chibi will stand for the red and black in her brand new outfit made by a good friend of mine :D

I love my little vampire <3
Join the red and black week at:

I love my little vampire <3
Join the red and black week at:
Skeleton doll
One thing I sometimes like to do, is paint dolls :S So when Monster High dolls came I was thrilled, they are so pretty!
So this is a Cleo doll I repainted this week!

So this is a Cleo doll I repainted this week!

Medieval Chibi
I wanted to show you my bjd named Chibi. I made her a dress yesterday so I took some pictures. :)
My tumblr
Igår när jag var hos min syster talade hon om för mig att jag har en tumblr, hah! Jag hade glömt att jag skapade en vintras. Ska försöka bli lite mer aktiv där så tala gärna om för mig ifall ni har tumblr. Jag kommer nog mest posta bilder på mina bjd-s där och reposta roliga grejer från andra hade jag tänkt. ^^

Yesterday when I was at my sister she told me that I have a tumblr, hah! I had forgotten that I created one this winter. Will try to get a little more active there so please tell me if you have a tumblr to check out. I will most probably post pictures of my BJD-s there and repost funny stuff from others. :D

Yesterday when I was at my sister she told me that I have a tumblr, hah! I had forgotten that I created one this winter. Will try to get a little more active there so please tell me if you have a tumblr to check out. I will most probably post pictures of my BJD-s there and repost funny stuff from others. :D