New colour!
From green to pink/purple whatever :'D I had som directions haircolour left from when my whole head was that colour 2 years ago, its the Rose Red.
Shoes for autumn!
Shoes arrived in my mailbox today! They are purchased from the Swedish version of Ebay for 20 SEK.
It was so long ago I bought shoes so all my autumn shoes had holes like..everywhere. And soon it's time to stop using the ballerina shoes. :( It felt wrong, however, to buy brand new shoes for a lot of money when we are sort of poor right now, so it was lucky I found these :D
Going to choir-practise :D
I'm happy I have that to go to every thursday. Nice to have some routines while I am unemployed.
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 22
22. Something you only wear in the summer.
Well I dont really have anything I only wear in the summer (besides bikini and I dont want to take a picture in that xD) so I just put together something!
Don't I look very summer-ish and ridicilous? :D
Finest stripes
Stripes are not a common thing in my wardrobe, but I do have some stripy items :D
Like stockings! I loooove stockings with stripes. I want mooore colours.
These are the stripy things I own and are my post for the:
Todays outfit
I'm so happy with my outfit today! :D
I was at the jobcentre at a meeting earlier. They said nothing I didn't already know.. buuut maybe it was useful for someone.
Dress like me
Today I created an account on polyvore! I've heard that it's a good place for making collages.
So my first one I made with inspiration from my own style. I wanted to use clothing I own myself, but since I buy the most stuffs second hand I just had to go with similar items. It was fuuuun :D
New creations
Today I noticed that the comment-function on my blog was off in several of posts I have done in recent days. Blöööh xD Hope I have not missed any comments.
Thought I show some redesigned clothes I've made lately!
These pants I made last week. They were a pair of ordinary black trousers before. Everything is prettier with lace!
This dress I wore last Thursday and did not feel at all comfortable in it, I felt like an old lady. So it had to be a skirt instead!
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 21
21. Something that you only wear around the house.
My kigurumi!
I love it, but I would never leave the house in it. :'D
Jeffrey Campbell HOMG Skeleton
I really really really really really really want these shoes! O___O
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 20
20. Your jewellry box.
I don't really have jewellry box..all of my stuff is spreaded around this place instead:
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 19
19. Your favourite earrings, rings, necklaces and/or bracelets.
Sooo. I had forgotten about this
challenge a little. But here we go again!
What I've been doing today.
I have a cold, a little fever and a sore throath..again D:
So this is what my day has been all about:
Watching movies all day long, huhu.
I havent been sleeping for two nights because of my stupid throat so movies are the only thing my brain can process I think. xD
A different Mona-Lisa
I would so prefer this one hanging in my home instead of the real one :D
Future characters
Because I dont wanna forget it, I'll upload my list here over LARP characters I have not played yet, but want to play sometime! :D
- Dark-elf
- Necromancer (preferably a troll)
- Tree Fairy (Dryad)
- Faun (that costume I imagine will take some time to create xD)
- I would sometime wanna be part of an orch-group or something, maybe play a evil goblin or similar then!
This is a picture from a larp 2 years ago. I'm glad I have longer hair now so I can cover the part where the ears start with it..
The Glee project
A few days ago I started watching The Glee project.
I finished season 1 and has some sections left by season two, so therefore I am toooooo "busy" to blog. ;D

Seriously, this is a great show!
One of my biggest wish in this life is that I would have great singing voice. Buuut I dont. xD So I just have to live through others like this instead bwaha.
Flowers in the hair!
I'm looking for some inspiration for what to wear in my hair on our weddingday. I thought I wanted some sort of silvertiara, but I have changed my mind and want flowers instead!
I like this idea, reminds me of Jesus. xD And is also sort of medieval. But maybe more flowers and they should also be red and white.
Bat-shaped clothespins
I will be veeeeeery laaaaaazy at blogging and reading blogs this weekend! Because my sister is visiting! :D
Picture of her from last week with tomatoes in her cheeks xD Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Things that crack me up.
Cotton Candy
On my birthday last week I got a cotton candymachine from my sister. :D

We tested it today and it works superbly well! Nom!
I have never liked ponchos before, but the last month I have been wanting one xD
They look so comfy and waaaaarm!
Obituary Challenge

The Obituary Challenge! Thanks Shannon for tagging me!
The Rules:
Link back to whoever tagged you.
Put these rules in your tag
Write an obituary about yourself (it can be as funny or as serious as you like)
Write a paragraph or two (or more if necessary) in length.
You may tag up to 10 people, and be sure to link them.
Have fun, because creative writing is one of the greatest joys in life!
My Obituary:
Sabina, age 90, died last week due by old age. She was calmy laying on her bed when found, holding her husbands hand, and it seems like he passed away at the exakt same moment she did.
She was born September 5, 1988, and lived a peaceful life, together with her husband and all their cats and dogs. Sabina was known for her cat-shelter that she started in her late 20-s that was going very well through all the years, and also for the books she had released. She will be missed by all family and friends, expecially by her two children Esmeralda and Emanuel.
This is actually what I wish my obituary will look like xD
I tag:
And link me back if you accept the challenge so I can read.

I expect you all to look like this now!
Out in the woods
I have been building larpcamps all weekend. To a larp next week that I'm not even going to. :'D
First camp where my boyfriend and a friend will live, then the larporganizer wanted help, so we built his tent.
Today we went out again and built a tavern.

We will also be in the woods during Tuesday and Wednesday helping because we were told that if we help enough we get to larp for free later on. Wohoo! :D
(And yes this is a huuuge larp, there are usually around 800 people every year)
Crow and bat
Disney stooooore
Bat bag
And now how cute isn't this bag? :D
But 90 euro..that is one expensive bag!
I created a dress!
I usually dont make clothing from scratch because I'm lazy and never finish what I start then..
But today I made this and I actually think it turned out very nice!
I wish that the fabric had been black with white skulls instead since there is a chance i won't wear this dress as much with all the white.. But I couldnt resist buying it. It costed 25 SEK on second hand.
Close-up :)
Happy skeleton
I've had this fabric-patch a long time, wondering what to do with it. Now I have figured it out!
A hair-accessory!
Isn't he a cute little happy skeleton? :D
I had a perfect birthday. Mattias had booked tickets for the movie Brave at the movietheatre and we ate pizza in a cozy restaurant before the movie. ^^
Since we do not know when I will get a job, we had a thrifty celebration, but it was good nonetheless. :D

24 is a very very special day.
It's my 24-th birthday!
To celebrate, we will look at some pictures of my past birthdays. :D Enjoy!
1 year old! I also managed to take my first footsteps that day actually.
Here is me and my mum on my 5-th birthday. I remember a very good cake!
My 8-th birthday. And my sister looks funny as always.
10-th birthday. I threw up that day. It was a bad birthday. :'D
Turning 13. My best friend gave me a panda-plush, it's still as cute!
Sweeeet 16 ;D best year of my life I would say. The age I met my lovely boyfriend whom I still are together with.
And now, 24 today! Feeling kind of old after this time-travelling. ;) But you cant have picture from today yet because I just woke up! xD
Give me some book-recommendations!
I LOVE to read.
So I thought I would ask for some book recommendations here. :D
This is what I borrowed today at the library.
I do have a special place in my heart for chick-lits, mystery and horror, Just so you know ;D
Todays outfit
Today I strolled down to the job center and wrote me in. I've heard a lot of crap about that place, but it went very well today a least and the person I talked to was supernice and accommodating. She said that given my qualifications and merits I should very quickly get a job. :D
So today, life feels good!
I'm in a competition on facebook :D The price is to be a hairmodel for one day.
I would be very happy if someone would like to like my picture there to give me a vote. <3
Future kid xD
One day we started discussing about whose nose our future children should get. So then I felt compelled to do this kind of "babymorph" thing. xD
So this is Mattias and my future baby.
Must say I'm not exactly surprised by those giant cheeks;)

Tried antoher site and that kid is cuter, haha!

Bat blingblingmobile
Coca-cola furniture
If there is two things I love, which is hard to combine it's coca-cola stuffs and gothic stuff xD
This would look so wrong in my home xD But still, it's so awesome!
Monthly Theme Post - Someone special
Since my lovely fiancé has been my someone special for 8 years in december, I wanted to do a memory post with pictures from the beginning of our love. <3
Our first picture together, new years eve 2004. :D And my sister, crazy as always.
Summer 2006 I belivie.
Somewhere in 2006 I would guess, I'm getting old can't remember when pictures are taken. xD
One of our all time favourites!
Graduating in 2007!
A photoshoot we had with a friend in december 2008, it was great pictures all of them!
Summer 2009
Well one can´t always look pretty ;)
Summer 2010
Matching outfits for a christmasparty in 2010 xD
This picture was taken for amagzine actually where we was in an article, giving tips on how to have successfull relationship that lasts :'D Summer 2011
Larp, last year ^^
And here we are ^^
Very happy, and getting married next year! I'm so looking forward to being Mrs, Wangenfors ;D
Thanks for looking!
Todays "grumpy" face and outfit ;D
Was to an open house at my boyfriends job, sort of interesting. Got free candy and food, I like events like that xD