This dog

My sister made a list of series on her blog and I wanted to do the same!
This is my list of series I watch, have finished, and want to see.
The Lying game
Drop Dead Diva
Big bang theory
Gossip girl
The walking dead
How i met your mother
The middle
Legend of Korra (I will assume that there is going to be a season 2)
Modern family
Pretty little liars (thinkin of stopping because it's so boring now)
New girl
Once upon a time
Happily divorced
Hot in cleveland
Game of thrones
Switched at birth
What I like about you,
The last airbender
Sabrina Tonårshäxan
Legend of the seeker
Freaks and geeks
Kyle XY
3rd Rock from the Sun
8 simple rules
Dharma och greg
Freaky Finnertys
Sex and the city
The 10th kingdom
Desperate housewives
Cashmere Mafia
Gilmore Girls
Ugly Betty
Glee Project
The vampire diaries
Hart of Dixie
Samantha Who

Vanessa Marano

My top 5 tv-series

The Glee project
A few days ago I started watching The Glee project.
I finished season 1 and has some sections left by season two, so therefore I am toooooo "busy" to blog. ;D
Seriously, this is a great show!
One of my biggest wish in this life is that I would have great singing voice. Buuut I dont. xD So I just have to live through others like this instead bwaha.
And I must just say this. Hats that people wear at funderals. I want them.

Desperate housewives
I have followed this serie for 8 years, I never got tired of it as so many did after the first few seasons.I have faithfully followed it and loved every episode!
Completely crazy what a serie can give you, a new episode has many times lifted my whole day when I was feeling at my worst with my gastrich catarr.
And now it's over. :'(
But it was a really good and nice final episode, I wish I could personally thank the creators of the series.

Bye Wisteria Lane and all the lovely characthers <3
Maybe I start over from the beginning with the serie someday. :)
Happily divorced
And the maincharacther is the same women from "Nanny", I have always loved her :D

Some of the clothing she wears is very pretty, with laces and stuff :D
Once upon a time


Hildas blå klänning <3

Sabrinas halloweenkostym <3

Den röda klänningen till vänster <3
Sabrina tonårshäxan

Funny facts.
När jag var 13-14ish var Sabrina min stora idol. Jag tittade på ett avsnitt varje dag och dagen efter hade jag likadan frisyr som hon hade i avsnittet. Mycket praktiskt ju eftersom hon varierade sig väldigt mycket och jag behövde inte tänka efter själv vad jag skulle ha. :'D
Sen klippte hon håret kort...

Och det gjorde jag med! Haha, such a nerd.
Nu håller jag på och tittar igenom alla säsonger och det är fortfarande lika bra som jag tyckte då :D

Sötaste paret ju :D
Sheldon <3

You know what would be nice. As a symbolic gesture to all the bullies who tormented us for years, we should open our home to Jimmy. And once he’s asleep, we kill him.
Men hallå!

Alltså.. I USA är rollspelarna lite smått efterblivna och tycker att 20 är ett bra slag på tärningen. Knäppt ju.
Men. Om det vore en etta på den där tröjan som Sheldon har skulle jag vilja ha den. :3