Dressed in white (photosession 3)
Lolita dress

Todays outfit.
This is the one of my lolitadresses I wear the most. :) It's comfortable and prettyyyy <3
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 13
13. An outfit you wish you had.

You expect me to choose one? D:
Oh well. This is one of my favourite Amy Lee ones.

14. Cute socks.
Your newest purchase.
You and someone wearing matching clothes.
An article of clothing that you made or altered.
A piece of jewelry that you made.
All your earrings, rings, necklaces and/or bracelets.
Your jewelry box.
Something that you only wear around the house.
Something you only wear in the summer.
An article of clothing/ accessory that you consider lucky.
Your favourite pair of shoes.
Shoes you love but hardly wear.
A mismatched outfit that you’d never wear (go wild: earrings, belts, crazy skirts etc).
A hat.
An outfit you are ashamed to say you wore.
Something that is your favourite brand.
Something from your favourite store.
Pony scissorhands

Totally cute remake :D
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 12
12. A piece of jewelry that everyone complements you on.

These earrings :D people lööööve them.
Dead can dance
It's been a long time since I felt a craving for any band t-shirts. But these two.. I do want!

Expecially this!
To expensive for me right now though.
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 11
11. A piece of jewelry that a Grandparent gave you.

It's from my boyfriends grandmother though :D Me myself are not blessed with lovely grandparents of my own.
Feathers and skull

My newest haircreation :D

I need to stop this, I cant choose what to wear in my hair any more, I love all my accessories xD
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 10
10. An outfit you wore on a special day.

This picture is from 14th december 2007, that was the day when me and Mattias got enganged. :D But I do not have any of the stuffs I wear in my closet anymore so this old picture will have to do.
I wear black until I can find something darker
Sooo..I had this blue skirt at home. I didnt like the color. Daaaark blue. So I decided to try to dye it black. :D I threw in a yellow top and a cardigan as well.

The result:

Wohoo black skirt! :D

The top is more gray than black, but it's okay.

The cardigan was..sadly, not able to be coloured. Must be a synthetic material then.

I made a skirt for my newest larp-charachter today :D I like it very much!
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 9
9. A cute dress/skirt

It's my nom nom dress!
New earrings

I bought these earrings yesterday :D They suit my hair very well. They only costed 20 SEK oh my, totally worth that money! <3
Todays outfit

I think this was the very first day all summer I was outside for hours ;D I met up with my mom and sister and we ate pizza and did some shopping. Fun day! But no more sun for me now. This was enough O__O
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 8
7. Your most expensive clothing

I think its this wintercoat!
I bought it from ebay, custommade. It's a lolitacoat. ^.^
I'm in a creative flow right now ;D so i made these yesterday. Mooore hairbows :D

I took the bats from these rings:

Because I dont wear rings. They are just in the way.
Floating skulls

New soap dispenser: D
Is not it wonderful!
New soap dispenser: D
Is it not wonderful!

30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 7
7. A cute outfit of yours.

Admit it, it's cute ;)
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 6
6. A pair of pants that aren’t jeans.

Now stop it with this pant obsession!
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 5
5. Your favourite pair of jeans.

I must say that I love it when I dont notice my cats on the picture until I look at it on the computer xD makes me so happy.
I made new hairbows today!

Cute riiiight!? :D
Liebster award
These are the rules that come with the award:
Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
Answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
Create 11 questions.
Choose 11 people and link back to them.
No tag backs.
11 Things about me:
1. I'm not a social person and always feel a bit strange in a crowd. But I think peoples behaviour are interesting and the interaction between people. I sometimes amuse myself with my own social experiments, trying to predict peoples reactions or manipulate them. On the other hand I'm a lousy liar.
2. I'm very devoted and passionate in my relations. I love my children to bits and pieces and sometimes I beleive they think I'm too much. And I'm deeply in love with my boyfriend :).
3. Related to no 2; I have a fast changing temperament and express my temper very much. I'm not a typical Swede in my moods. I seem to be very upset when I in reality need to point my opinion.
4. Well I say my opinion in the most unconvenient situations and in a "unfeminine" (hate that word) way. I'm too honest for my own good.
5. I'm a feminist at heart. I hate when people regardless of sex limit themself by blaming on their gender. They say they can't do this or that because that is the mens/womens job. Or when people behave different depending on the gender of the person they are talking to. I have experiences of being spoken to over my head, have backs turned to like I was a legally incompetent person. The womens wages are still lower than mens for the same work.
6. I have a bachelor examina in chemistry, but have worked as a steel mill scientist and now as a production engineer.
7. I have a very sensitive skin and make my own facecream. I get eczema or breakouts from commercial products and it's difficult to find a shampoo that works for my hair. Thinking of making the shampo myself as well. I used to make my own soaps. When I found an old one and tried it I thinking of starting again, it's a very time consuming and a dangerous procedure.
8. I have my own studio used for sewing, paper or jewellery projects. I wish I had more time to spend there.
9. The garden is one of the things that drags me outdoors. I have my vegetable garden, nothing beats homegrown veggies in taste and nutrition.
10. I don't go to clubs, I think they sucks (like a meat market), I prefer going to concerts of festivals. I have Rockstad here in Falun to look forward to in august :)
11. I still try to figure out "what I will do when I grow up". I'm a very curious person and always want to learn new skills and knowledges. I can be a geek if the subject is interesting. My totem animal is the owl, because it stands for wisdom and it's a bird and birds stands for freedom.
My 11 questions:
1. How would you describe your own personality?
2. What is your clothing style, do you have a name for it or can describe it?
3. Do you have a pet?
4. What is your main colour in your closet?
5. Do you have a favourite designer?
6. How do you keep yourself healthy? Do you have any tips and tricks?
7. Do you have one make up item you can't live without, what would that be?
8. How do you live? Flat or house and in what style do you decorate your home?
9. What is your profession?
10. What is your natural haircolour?
11. Favourite food?
11 questions for you:
I'll tag following bloggers and they will feel free to answer my questions.
I got this award from http://linneapalandet.blogspot.se/ :D
These are the rules that come with the award:
Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
Answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
Create 11 questions.
Choose 11 people and link back to them.
No tag backs.

11 Things about me:
1. I eat candy every day. That's bad..
2. I can bend my fingers really scary growse backwards. That's fucked up.

3. I quit doing things to easily because I wan't to be best and when I notice I can't I just quit.
4. I am a hypochondriac and I think I have all sorts of cancer many times every month until my fiancé calms me down :P
5. I am a teetotaler and never ever in my whole life I will drink a drop of alcohol.
6. I love toys, if I didnt stop myself I would have a bunch of little pet shops, plushies and plenty other cute toys in my house xD I think when I get kids I will be more excited then them to buy toys.
7. I'm scared of ghosts, but I'm too interested in that subject to stop reading about them and watch scary movies.
8. I love watching tv-series! <3
9. I wish i someday could start a catshelter. But that requires a huuuge amount of money..
10. I love to put green makeup on and running around in the woods. ;D it's called larp.
11. These two people beside me is my favourite people in the world:

My 11 questions:
1. How would you describe your own personality?
I'm pretty shy until I feel comfortable with someone, but after a certain point it is not possible to silence me. I LOVE to talk. I am social, but only to a certain amount, because I enjoy just being at home alone with my boyfriend and our cats. Crazy cat lady is probably a good description. Other than that, I at least have been told that I am funny, wacky and kind xD
2. What is your clothing style, do you have a name for it or can describe it?
Black clothing, mostly dresses so I call myself goth but some might say I'm not. :P
3. Do you have a pet?
Yeees, two lovely cats, They are the greatest <3
4. What is your main colour in your closet?
5. Do you have a favourite designer?
6. How do you keep yourself healthy? Do you have any tips and tricks?
Well I dont xD I eat to much sugar and are very lazy with the workout since I started working.
7. Do you have one make up item you can't live without, what would that be?
Yes, my black pen which I make my eyebrows with :D
8. How do you live? Flat or house and in what style do you decorate your home?
Apartment, me and my fiancé want dragondecoration and gothic style overall at home, so we are working on that bit by bit. ^^
9. What is your profession?
I'm both educated in graphic design and pastry/baking, but I dont wanna work with graphic stuff.
10. What is your natural haircolour?
11. Favourite food?
CANDY! And Pizza.
11 questions for you:
1. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. What is your favourite candy?
3. Are you a cat or a dogperson, and why?
4. What bands have you seen live?
5. If you had to choose between eating poo once, or holding a clowns hand for a whole month, what would it be?
6. What would your dream wedding be like?
7. Top three favourite movies?
8. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done in public?
9. What would you do if you had only one day left to live?
10. Are you addicted to something, and in that case what?
11. What is your favourite disneymovie?
I'll tag following bloggers and they will feel free to answer my questions.
Haircolours baah!
For several months I have been trying to dye 1/3 of my hair blue. I have tried different directions haircolours, leaving no good result, my hair was just brown with blue strikes at the tops. So today I simply gave up and coloured my hair with the Alpine green I had left from last year when my whole head was green. And oh so pretty :D Totally green, it so weird, directions seems to stick in my hair differently depending on which colour it is.

Ah well, I love this green colour, so I think it will have to stay. Who needs blue hair ;D
Living doll photosession
The second photosession, me being a doll :D I have been so busy I havent had the time to upload these!
Photographers blog: http://zahnac.blogspot.se/

My cats <3
I totally have to wear that outfit to a dollmeet sometime.
Perfect dress

First outfit in my new dress, it's so comfy and exactly my style! :D
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 4
4. A shirt that you haven’t worn yet.

It's so pretty, but I cant seem to find the right skirt for it. So i just tries it on several times a month but never goes out with it on O.o
Aww moment

So cute :'D
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 3
3. A piece of clothing or jewelry that was a gift

This superpretty necklace my boyfriend gave to me 5 years ago :D I still love it (and him xD) soooooo much! <3
Homework Assignment: Things I Can't Live Without
My large baaaag! I'm that sort of person who buys one bag, wear it until it falls apart, and then buy a new one. I cant live without a large bag to put all my stuff in! :D

So this is my current bag <3 I bought it last year.
Check out what other people cant live without:

30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 2
2. Your favourite shirt
Actually..the more I thought about it I dont have a favourite right now. I'm in a dress-mode atm so xD
But this t-shirt used to be my favourite for a very long time, around 2 years i think. I need a new one..it's very washed out these days.

Outfit of today

Outfit today :D
I never get tired of this dress.
The weddingtables
One of my friends are also getting married next year and i found this website www.myheart.se
on her wedding blog.
It gave me the idea to have rose petals on the tables on our wedding :D I think it would be superpretty. Maybe black tableclothing and then red rosepetals.

on her wedding blog.
It gave me the idea to have rose petals on the tables on our wedding :D I think it would be superpretty. Maybe black tableclothing and then red rosepetals.


This was todays outfit :D
I'm determined to take pictures of my clothes more often, because its fun for me to look at in a few years maybe xD
30 Day Clothing Challenge, Day 1
1. Your closet

Giant mess! :P

Challenge accepted (30 Day Clothing Challenge)
- Your closet.
- Your favourite shirt.
- A piece of clothing or jewelry that was a gift
- A shirt that you haven’t worn yet.
- Your favourite pair of jeans.
- A pair of pants that aren’t jeans.
- A cute outfit of yours.
- Your most expensive article of clothing.
- A cute dress/ skirt.
- An outfit you wore on a special day.
- A piece of jewelry that a Grandparent gave you.
- A piece of jewelry that everyone complements you on.
- An outfit you wish you had.
- Cute socks.
- Your newest purchase.
- You and someone wearing matching clothes.
- An article of clothing that you made or altered.
- A piece of jewelry that you made.
- Your favourite earrings, rings, necklaces and/or bracelets.
- Your jewelry box.
- Something that you only wear around the house.
- Something you only wear in the summer.
- An article of clothing/ accessory that you consider lucky.
- Your favourite pair of shoes.
- Shoes you love but hardly wear.
- A mismatched outfit that you’d never wear (go wild: earrings, belts, crazy skirts etc).
- A hat.
- An outfit you are ashamed to say you wore.
- Something that is your favourite brand.
- Something from your favourite store.
Since the goth challenge is over I felt the need to start this challenge, found here, I feel it suits my blog well doing this. ^^
Todays outfit
today I'm dressed up myself too much for today's purposes. I'm just going to work and then I still switch on and probably remove everything from your hair.
I am beginning to twelve and discovered that 11 bus is set in the summer. So I have to take the 10 bus. I hate when stuff like that shit happens. So I figured if I still need to be there an hour before I go into town and buy a new calendar instead. :)
Today I dressed up myself too much for today's purposes. I'm just going to work and have to change clothes there and probably remove everything from my hair. :P

I'm starting twelve today and discovered that the 11 bus doesnt go during summer... So I have to take the 10 bus. I hate when shit like that happens. So I figured if I still need to be there an hour before work I go into town and walking around a while. :3

I fell in love with this wig!

I have always wanted Cruella hair like that, partly white and partly black xD but it would hurt the hair so much to do it for real.
Really expensive wig sadly.. link
The Goth Challenge: Day thirty
Last one :)
Day 30 – Make a list of blogs you regularly read and link to them.
Day 30 – Make a list of blogs you regularly read and link to them.
My favourite gothblogs:
Candyskull photosession
Since me and my friend had three photosessions, I will upload them in three entries. ^^
Photographers blog: http://zahnac.blogspot.se/

This was so much fun :D we were a little worried with the makeup, but it turned out great!
Some shopping
I have been a very well-mannered shopoholic. I have not bought a single garment of 2 months! So today I bought some at Ellos.se xD mostly because it has huge sale, and all of my tops are getting washed out .. I have a hard time finding the parts I think suits to skirts I own. But I hope these will be good.
And even though I threw in a lovely dress in a basket was the sum 200 SEK with shipping included. Good shopping!
I have been a very well-mannered shopoholic. I have not bought a single piece of clothing in 2 months!
So today I bought some at Ellos.se xD mostly because they have a huge sale, and all of my tops are getting washed out .. I have a hard time finding tops I think suits to the skirts I own. But I hope these 2 will be good.

And even though I threw in a lovely dress in the basket was the sum 200 SEK with shipping included. (because I got free shipping)
Good shopping!


She is so pretty my little Chibi ^__^
Jasmine Becket-Griffith

Oh these paintings! *__* and little sculptures! <3