Todays outfit

today I'm dressed up myself too much for today's purposes. I'm just going to work and then I still switch on and probably remove everything from your hair.
I am beginning to twelve and discovered that 11 bus is set in the summer. So I have to take the 10 bus. I hate when stuff like that shit happens. So I figured if I still need to be there an hour before I go into town and buy a new calendar instead. :)
Today I dressed up myself too much for today's purposes. I'm just going to work and have to change clothes there and probably remove everything from my hair. :P
I'm starting twelve today and discovered that the 11 bus doesnt go during summer... So I have to take the 10 bus. I hate when shit like that happens. So I figured if I still need to be there an hour before work I go into town and walking around a while. :3

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