Amy Lee - VEVO Stylized
Haz hat.

Visst är sån här småhattar piffiga? :D Jag har två stycken och det är tyvärr sällan de kommer till användning så idag bestämde jag mig för att ta lite bilder bärandes den ena.
The Big Bang Theory Singing Soft Kitty Plush
The Goth Challenge: Day nine
Day 9. What genre of music do you dislike?
Some kinds of hip hop and also RnB..but I'm very open to most music :D I listen to the lyrics mostly.

Mix and blend! ^^
Some kinds of hip hop and also RnB..but I'm very open to most music :D I listen to the lyrics mostly.

Mix and blend! ^^
The Goth Challenge: Day eight
Day 8. What's your worst and best experience with non-Goths?
I think this is a rather stupid question actually :< most of the people I know aren´t goths and I have LOTS OF great memories with them. This is the kind of foolish question that makes this world so filled with prejudices.
I dont go around asking people what their best experience are with black people or seniors for example. We are all different and I accept that not everyone are into black clothes and like the same music as I .

I think this is a rather stupid question actually :< most of the people I know aren´t goths and I have LOTS OF great memories with them. This is the kind of foolish question that makes this world so filled with prejudices.
I dont go around asking people what their best experience are with black people or seniors for example. We are all different and I accept that not everyone are into black clothes and like the same music as I .

The Goth Challenge: Day seven
Day 7. Ten of your favourite goth bands.
Birthday massacre
The Cure.
Within temptation
Type O Negative
Depeche Mode
69 eyes
Maybe all isn't in the gothgenre. I find it really hard to know what is and I listen to so much more music than "gothic" as well. :)
Birthday massacre
The Cure.
Within temptation
Type O Negative
Depeche Mode
69 eyes
Maybe all isn't in the gothgenre. I find it really hard to know what is and I listen to so much more music than "gothic" as well. :)
Big Squishable Animals
Visst vill man ha dem alla!?

Jag vill ha hela sängen full med dom! xD

Bara för att visa hur stora de är.

Jag vill ha hela sängen full med dom! xD

Bara för att visa hur stora de är.
The Goth Challenge: Day six
Day 6. Hand write your favourite lyric and take a picture.

My immortal by Evanescence

My immortal by Evanescence
The Goth Challenge: Day five
The Goth Challenge: Day four
Day 4: Name a stereotype or cliche you can relate to.
HALLOWEEN, bats, skulls, black hair, writing tragical poems in my teens :'D
I guess I can relate to more cliches if I ever heard of them.

HALLOWEEN, bats, skulls, black hair, writing tragical poems in my teens :'D
I guess I can relate to more cliches if I ever heard of them.

The Goth Challenge: Day three
Day 3: When did you come out the Goth closet? (If you didn't then simply discuss the topic)
Tough question since I haven't truly called myself a goth since recently. I have been wearing gothic outfits from time to time the last 7 years, but somehow I identify the gothic style to be more "grown up" than the style I had in the beginning. :)
Tough question since I haven't truly called myself a goth since recently. I have been wearing gothic outfits from time to time the last 7 years, but somehow I identify the gothic style to be more "grown up" than the style I had in the beginning. :)
Häromdagen gick jag igenom och raderade bilder på min bärbara. Eftersom jag av den ena eller andra anledningen har sparat dessa snapshots antar jag att det betyder att jag ville ladda upp dem så nu kommer ALLA :'D

Kvinna med awesome stil!

Gunga i lägenheten: wantz it!

Gleemänniska med fina slingor.

Sheldon med katter <3

Charlottes underbara korsett

Bara bäst.


Kvinna med awesome stil!

Gunga i lägenheten: wantz it!

Gleemänniska med fina slingor.

Sheldon med katter <3

Charlottes underbara korsett

Bara bäst.

Gårdagens velande.
Igår hade jag massa folk över här på dockmöte och jag blev helt mongoliserad och visste inte vad jag skulle ha på mig. Hatar att välja kläder att ha på sig hemma, vill ju helst ha pyjamas på mig jämt hemma ;)

Så jag tog på mig min enda sweet lolita klänning först men kände mig inte all bekväm i den så jag gick och bytte direkt efter att jag tog bilden.

Så då blev det min beloved maxiklänning istället, så bekväm och fin på samma gång, tjuhuu! ^__^

Så jag tog på mig min enda sweet lolita klänning först men kände mig inte all bekväm i den så jag gick och bytte direkt efter att jag tog bilden.

Så då blev det min beloved maxiklänning istället, så bekväm och fin på samma gång, tjuhuu! ^__^
The Goth Challenge: Day two
Day 2 . Share photos and experiences from your Baby Bat days.
I have a few of those :'D

It started out like this.

For a long time I was wearing that tiara every day.

A friend and I had a gothic photoshoot :D

Crappy mobilephotos.

Cat-ears <3 I was very in love with them.

I miss that dress.

:D So this was some pictures from my first 2 years as a goth.
I have a few of those :'D

It started out like this.

For a long time I was wearing that tiara every day.

A friend and I had a gothic photoshoot :D

Crappy mobilephotos.

Cat-ears <3 I was very in love with them.

I miss that dress.

:D So this was some pictures from my first 2 years as a goth.
Mera fladdermöss!

JAAAAA jag är inne i en fladdermusfas :'D det var inte så oväntat, jag har redan gått igenom döskallar, ankhtecken, spindlar, pentagram och i somras skelettfasen (som jag ännu är inne i lite men). Fladdermöss är ju verkligen ett tacksamt motiv att pyssla med, så lätt att rita.
Jag gjorde de här örhängena och halsband igår, de är gjorda av en gammal plastskärbräda och sen har jag målat dem och sprayat på skydd så inte färgen försvinner. :D
The Goth Challenge: Day one
Day 1. How did you come across the subculture?
When I started my gymnasium, in 2004. My newfound friend Sanna who was a little gothish from time to time asked me if I saw myself as a goth and I was like: WHAT is that? :'D
So she explained, showed me some music, websites and clothing and I fell in love with it all. My biggest inspiration became Amy Lee and I put down a big effort in looking like her for long. Since then I have considered myself as a goth mostly of the time. I have tried many other styles though, but I always fall back to goth. :)
When I started my gymnasium, in 2004. My newfound friend Sanna who was a little gothish from time to time asked me if I saw myself as a goth and I was like: WHAT is that? :'D
So she explained, showed me some music, websites and clothing and I fell in love with it all. My biggest inspiration became Amy Lee and I put down a big effort in looking like her for long. Since then I have considered myself as a goth mostly of the time. I have tried many other styles though, but I always fall back to goth. :)
The Goth Challenge!

Day 1 – How did you come across the subculture?
Day 2 – Share photos and experiences from your Baby Bat days.
Day 3 – When did you come out the Goth closet? (If you didn't then simply discuss the topic)
Day 4 – Name a stereotype or cliche you can relate to.
Day 5 – Is there a local Goth band or group in your area?
Day 6 – Hand write your favourite lyric and take a picture.
Day 7 – Ten of your favourite goth bands.
Day 8 – What's your worst and best experience with non-Goths?
Day 9 – What genre of music do you dislike?
Day 10 – What do you hate and love about the subculture?
Day 11 – Is Goth a lifestyle for you?
Day 12 – What's your gothic inspiration?
Day 13 – What was your first band t-shirt?
Day 14 – What was your best and worst DIY disaster.
Day 15 – Your favourite or most expensive item in your wardrobe.
Day 16 – What's the most casual you've ever dressed?
Day 17 – Your favourite Goth brand.
Day 18 – Worst hair experience.
Day 19 – Share beauty advise and take a photo of your make up.
Day 20 – If you could dye your hair any colour what would it be?
Day 21 – What body mod do you have or have you considered?
Day 22 – If you could attend any Goth event what would it be?
Day 23 – Your favourite artist or photographer.
Day 24 – Name the best websites for Goths.
Day 25 – Did you ever consider leaving the subculture?
Day 26 – Show a photo for every year (or month if you're new) that you've being into Goth.
Day 27 – The worst thing you ever did to a newbie.
Day 28 – Do you consider yourself an eldergoth?
Day 29 – What do you think will happen to Goth in the future?
Day 30 – Make a list of blogs you regularly read and link to them.
Link to who created the challenge.
Forest coat
Monthly Homework Assignment: "I Forgot I Even Own This!"
I decided to join this assignment at Le Professeur Gothique, never done it before. (so thats why I will write this in english instead of swedish)
The assignment was to put together an outfit featuring something that you haven't worn in forever.

So this is my choice.

It's a very pretty gothic lolita dress I own. Last time I had it on before this photo was at a concert 2010.. stupid i know, since it's soooo pretty. So the truth is I'm afraid to destroy it. Thats why I dont wear it. If it's get dirty I'll have to wash it and then the print might be ruined. :<

It's such a lovely print! <3
I will try to wear it more often.
The assignment was to put together an outfit featuring something that you haven't worn in forever.

So this is my choice.

It's a very pretty gothic lolita dress I own. Last time I had it on before this photo was at a concert 2010.. stupid i know, since it's soooo pretty. So the truth is I'm afraid to destroy it. Thats why I dont wear it. If it's get dirty I'll have to wash it and then the print might be ruined. :<

It's such a lovely print! <3
I will try to wear it more often.
Häxan Kendra
Igår kväll flög en tanke in i huvudet: Det var längesen man såg systrarna Olsen i någon film! (ni vet tvillingarna från Fullt hus)
Så helt plötsligt var en av dem där, i filmen jag randomly beslöt mig för att titta på!

Mary-Kate som häxan Kendra i filmen Beastly. ^^ Väldigt goth också, I approve!
Så helt plötsligt var en av dem där, i filmen jag randomly beslöt mig för att titta på!

Mary-Kate som häxan Kendra i filmen Beastly. ^^ Väldigt goth också, I approve!
Fladdermöss i taket
Fick en idé från den här bloggen att pyssla ihop små fladdermöss som flyger runt taklampan :D

Jag tycker det blev mysigt ^^

Jag klippte ut fladdermöss i tjockare papper och målade dem svarta, sen är det bara att hänga upp dem tjuhuu!

Jag tycker det blev mysigt ^^

Jag klippte ut fladdermöss i tjockare papper och målade dem svarta, sen är det bara att hänga upp dem tjuhuu!
Little black dress
I'm so goth I shit bats