Good advertising

I spotted this advertise a while ago. It made my heart happy. Sad too, because its is obviously about that some children dont survive cancer. BUT, do you see in the picture that one boy has princess crown, the other boy sits shyly on the chair while the girl sitting in a "unfeminine" way. Very different from how children commercials usually looks, mostly it tends to be about the boys looking all cool and macho while the girls are sweet and tender.
So more of this kind of mix I do want :D
It made my heart glad gender! Sad to it, is obviously a matter of some children of liver cancer. BUT, do you see in the picture that one boy has princess crown, the other boy sits shyly on the chair while the girl sotter a ofeminint way. Very different from how children commercials usually looks, for the most part it tends to be so that the children see adults out.
So more this kind of mix do I want: D

Whisper me something
Postat av: Shannon Rutherford

This is great, really! I'm writing a dissertation about gender roles and children, and I'm so glad to see they're doing something against stereotypes - which very often hurt girls, more than boys, but it's good to see a little boy happy in his crown and pink magic wand! Let's hope one day being "girlish" won't be something perceived as degrading anymore :)!

Postat av: Linnea-Maria

Vilken fin annons! :)

2012-08-04 @ 22:32:54
Postat av: Queen Tiara

Jag har faktiskt tänkt på det, men jag tror att "killen" med prinsesskrona är en tjej.. Fast egentligen spelar det ingen roll, tycker att det är bra iaf eftersom att det är lite "förvirrande" = osäkert om det är en flicka eller pojke :P

2012-08-06 @ 21:59:05

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